Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I can see you now...your first assignment on the first day of school.

1. What's the value in learning European history? In other words, why bother? (I think I know this answer in the summer months)

2. Explain the meaning of this quotation using an example? "History is philosophy teaching by examples." authored by Dionysius of Halicarnassus (1st Century B.C.)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Russia v. Georgia

I can't resist...I know I have you doing some other things but let's dissect this conflict...this is interesting set of events that indeed have historical roots.  

Russia v. Georgia?  

Is there a history of Russia knocking down smaller states that launch a bid for independence?  Think Cold War...1954 and 68.  

In this case how are geo-politics connected to Russia's commitment to crush the movement?  If you get the New York Times (your parents might) there is a great piece on this on August 11th.  

Are you watching the Olympics?  Any event you are really interested in?  

Hope Fall sports kicked off well today.  

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Middle Ages...So What?

So what are the big themes that can be harvested from your research (the three research questions)?  In history we of course want to make meaning out of the evidence.  What ideas from the Middle Ages might shape a European Renaissance?  What ideas might be questioned, reassessed and perhaps not survive?  So let's set some parameters from responses...(I want them to be candid and supported...approx 1 paragraph or so).  

I will come back with an example response to my own question.  Ian I hope you are enjoying the beach.  I am taking in a few days myself.  MZ